We are here to answer your questions!

What if I’m not self-employed?

We provide assistance for a range of tax scenarios. Even if you don’t work for yourself, we can help you with your tax file. We provide thorough tax preparation services for all job situations, although the COVID relief tax credit mostly applies to self-employed people.

How long does the tax amendment or preparation process take?

After receiving your permission, we send amendments to the IRS, which takes one to two weeks. Original filings can take one to four weeks, depending on how prepared you are with the required documentation. Please be aware that there may be delays because of certain situations.

What if the estimated refund or tax liability is way off?

Your net self-employment income, the number of individuals you looked after during COVID, and the number of days off you took for caregiving are the three factors that determine the credit amounts under the FFCRA. Your refund will be determined by the final amounts approved by the IRS; the estimations from the calculator may differ at first.

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What if I’m a W-2 employee, but my spouse is self-employed?

We can handle both your W-2 and your spouse’s self-employment income, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your joint filing.

What if I took PPP, EIDL, etc., already?

PPP, ERC, and EIDL have no impact on qualifying for these self-employment credits.

What if I haven’t filed my taxes at all yet?

If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, our Comprehensive Tax Preparation service is ideal for ensuring accuracy and compliance.  We will file and include the credit as well.

What is the estimated time to receive approval for an amended return?

Approval times for amended returns vary, typically taking a few weeks to months.

What are the risks involved?

The primary risk in tax filing is inaccuracies leading to audits or penalties. Our service minimizes this risk through accuracy and compliance. There’s minimal financial risk, as our fees are fixed and transparent.

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